World Threats

In March 2019, Sarnaut witnessed the introduction of three formidable world bosses with patch 10.0:

Sunwing in Coldberg.
Ar Sakuul in Isle of Revelation.
Oceanid in Umoir.

Defeating these powerful enemies rewarded players with Dust of Creation and Draconic Aspect insignias. A new era of challenges and rewards dawned upon the courageous adventurers of Sarnaut.

Once upon a time, beating Sunwing, Ar Sakuul, and Oceanid got you cool stuff. Now? 
Nada. They're achievement piƱatas --- no loot, just bragging rights. Glory's in, loot's out.

You can tackle Sunwing, Ar Sakuul, and Oceanid solo at max level. It's a constant dance — keep moving or pay the price. Ready to show 'em who's boss?

Brace yourself for the long haul—it's a 12-15 minute showdown to take down Sunwing, Ar Sakuul, or Oceanid. Each of these titans boasts a whopping 865 million life points.


Watch out for those pesky tentacle adds—they pop up constantly. When they sport a red circle, dodge them like the plague. Getting caught means CC and damage. On another note, a blue bubble appear around you—just brush it off. Remember, it's a solo gig, so no buddy system here. It's a dance of dodging and dealing, all on your own.

Ar Sakuul

Run, run, run! Standstill equals a one-way ticket to oblivion. One wrong move, and you're free-falling into the abyss, starting from scratch. It's a perpetual motion game—pause, and you pay the price. So, keep those feet moving and dance your way to survival. Stillness is the silent symphony of defeat.


Sunwing, the fiery phoenix, is no joke. He hurls firebombs your way, each one chipping away a hefty 30% of your life. On top of that, he summons three mini phoenixes hell-bent on a collision course with you. Standing still is not an option—keep those legs moving as you dish out damage. It's a deadly dance, dodging fire and fending off the fiery flock, all while on the run.

Down one boss, and the clock starts ticking—a 5-hour countdown before Sunwing, Ar Sakuul, or Oceanid rises again.