Mysterious Crystals


In Jigran, you'll encounter many crowned 👑 mobs, each dropping valuable crystals. There are five distinct types, each with its own unique color.

                    Burning/Flaming Crystal

      Gloomy Crystal

 Holy Crystal

    Magic Crystal

    Plague Crystal

You can farm these mobs endlessly, as they respawn every 2 hours. Defeating them allows you to extract five sparks, and collecting 20 crystals of each color lets you craft a large crystal. This crystal can be sold for 250 rubles and also unlocks the Incarnate Achievement along with the Incarnate toy.

Once you’ve earned these toys, you can use them every three minutes—and they last exactly three minutes. That means you can keep swapping colors nonstop! Every three minutes, you get to transform your character into a fabulous shade of pink, orange, yellow, green, or red. Basically, you’ll be a walking, glowing disco ball. Enjoy the chaos!